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Collaboration Wins!

There is nothing more important to DFW Airport than the safety and security of its employees, tenants, airline partners and customers. Every stakeholder across the Airport’s community contributes to keeping everyone safe and secure. It is with this high value we place on safety and security that DFW Airport is pleased to acknowledge Ricardo Flores-DFW Manager NCA - for his collaboration with DFW’s Operation team to work around runway closure activities that resulted in preventing two NCA flights from canceling.

In the first quarter of 2021, DFW Airport kept busy with airfield infrastructure projects taking advantage of the reduction in airfield operations to rehabilitate runways and taxiways. Due to intermittent runway closures which potentially impacted NCA operations, the DFW Operations team organized several airline briefings in addition to the published NOTAMs to mitigate disruptions to our cargo operations. Ricardo worked closely with the DFW Operations team to create some workarounds and scheduling adjustments which ultimately prevented two flights from being canceled. This is the level of collaboration the DFW cargo team encourages and results in a win for all involved. Let us know how we can support you and your business objectives. Congratulations Ricardo!

collaboration wins


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