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Supporting our Cargo Community

The DFW Cargo team is hitting the ground running this year to support our Cargo Community to drive more volume and business opportunities for all. DFW Cargo will be exhibiting and promoting our cargo community’s capabilities at the following events: 


  • Fruitlogistica to increase perishables volumes from Latin America
  • Air Cargo 2023 to showcase our community strengths and future plans 


  • Health and personal care Logistics Conference to position DFW to continue growing the pharma sector 


  • IATA World Cargo Symposium to promote our cargo community and develop new business opportunities 
  • LogiPharma Europe to position DFW to continue growing the pharma sector 


  • AirCargo Europe to promote our cargo community and develop new business opportunities 


  • CNS Partnership Conference where we will sponsor the innovation stage, promote our community and network to grow our cargo business 
  • Ground Handling International to learn and understand how we can increase sustainability, ramp efficiency and safety through new technologies  

And there is more we are planning. If you or your company are interested in attending any of these conferences and joining us in promoting our cargo community and your business, please feel free to contact any member of our cargo team. 


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