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Founders’ Plaza Will Close for Enhancements

News Image (DFW AIRPORT, Texas – September 10, 2019) – Founders’ Plaza at DFW International Airport will close for a short period on September 16th through September 30th for enhancements, to better serve our community. Founders Plaza serves as a community asset, engaging and educating visitors on the history and current state of the Airport and its initiatives.

The enhancements at Founders’ Plaza include:

  • New drinking fountains, benches, picnic tables, trash cans and security bollards
  • Updated striping, painting, and power washing
  • Enhancements to the existing pavement, commemorative bricks program, landscaping, and hardscaping
  • Upgrades to the existing elements of the Welcome home a hero and shower of affection areas

Founders’ Plaza is scheduled to re-open on October 1, so be sure to check out the new enhancements during lunch or for some plane spotting!

Dallas Fort Worth International (DFW) Airport warmly welcomes more than 69 million customers along their journey every year, elevating DFW to a status as one of the most frequently visited superhub airports in the world. Customers can choose among 191 domestic and 66 international nonstop destinations worldwide. DFW is elevating the customer experience with modernized facilities and updated amenities. Centered between its owner cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas, DFW Airport also serves as a major economic generator for the North Texas region, producing over $37 billion in economic impact each year by connecting people through business and leisure travel. In 2019, DFW Airport earned the prestigious Airport of the Year award from Air Transport World. For more information, visit the DFW website or download the DFW Mobile App for iOS and Android devices.

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