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Filming/Photography Permit

Still and Motion Picture Filming Policy

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Filming and photography at DFW Airport is allowed through a permit from DFW Airport's Communications and Marketing Department. A permit is needed for any still and motion photography for commercial use or public exhibition, publication, or display, or production of any motion picture, television program or commercial advertisement on Airport property. To obtain approval, please submit an application for a permit at least 10 days in advance of the desired day of filming. Download the application here and send to media@dfwairport.com.

The Airport's Communications and Marketing Department will review all applications on a first come, first serve basis. Please note a permit is not needed by Airport users for non-commercial purposes or by accredited news media in covering news events.

Permit fees are as follows:

  • $600 per half day (0-4 hours)
  • $1000 per full day (4-8 hours)


All Permits shall be subject to the following conditions:

  • Photography shall be limited to the premises designated in the Permit.
  • All members of the Permit Holder’s crew must remain under escort of the Airport Communications & Marketing Department representative or designee, and must remain within plain sight of the escort at all times while in secured areas of the Airport. All Permit Holder crew members in secured areas of the Airport must be escorted by a badged Airport employee escort at all times, at the rate of no more than five persons per badged employee escort.
  • A Permit Holder shall not photograph any Airport User without the User’s consent.
  • A Permit Holder may not obstruct, impair or interfere with the free movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or the conduct of any authorized business at the Airport.
  • Except for persons in front of the camera during actual photography, each person engaged in photography shall wear an identification badge while on Airport property that displays the person’s name, and the name of the group or organization holding the Permit. Permit Holder shall provide the Department with a list of contact persons responsible for the Premises.
  • The list shall include numbers that can be called during any 24-hour period and on weekends. The Department shall provide Permit Holder a list of names and phone numbers for Permit Holder to call in case of an emergency.
  • If any property damage or personal injury results from a Permit Holder engaging in photography at the Airport, the Department may condition the issuance of any other or future Permit to Permit Holder upon the posting of a damage deposit, surety bond, or liability insurance in an amount determined by the Department.
  • The Permit Holder shall provide all equipment and materials necessary to conduct the activities authorized under its Permit, consistent with the requirements of these rules. An Applicant shall identify in its application any special equipment or materials that it proposes to supply or use on the Premises. The Department may deny or restrict the use of such display materials or equipment. Set-up and removal of equipment will be the responsibility of the Permit Holder.
  • Smoking is not permitted inside any Airport buildings.
  • The Department does not provide reserved or free parking. Permit Holders may park in the Airport’s public parking lots at their own expense.
  • In conducting photography in an outdoor location, the Permit Holder expressly assumes all risks relating to weather. Reasonable accommodations will be made to extend the term of a Permit in cases of inclement weather.
  • Nothing herein is intended, or shall be construed, to grant any person rights to conduct photography on areas of the Airport exclusively or preferentially leased to any Airport tenant, without the prior express written consent of such tenant.
  • A Permit Holder shall not conduct any activity on the Airport under a Permit for more than eight hours in any day, unless expressly authorized in the Permit. Additional Fees may apply for extended daily hours of photography.


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