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Art at DFW

A2: Ceiling Integration or Suspended Artwork, Terminal C South Parkette

Artist or Artist Team Experience:

Successful submissions will likely be from artists mid-career and above. Meaning, the artist, or artist team, would have developed a consistent body of work and defining style, and has gained recognition. Artists may have a range of professional achievements (e.g., solo and group exhibitions, honors/awards, grants, etc.). While not strictly tied to years of experience, mid-career artists typically have 5–9 years of experience.

Artwork Objectives:

DFW seeks to commission an artwork to be suspended or integrated into the ceiling above a seating area located past security, where passengers await their flights. The artwork will be visible to everyone in the post- security area. Additionally, arriving passengers heading to baggage claim will pass through this area, viewing the A2: Suspended Artwork at Terminal C South Parkette before proceeding to the escalators leading to baggage claim, where they will encounter the A1: Suspended Artwork at Terminal C South Exit Canyon.

The artwork goals include:

  • Enhance the overall visual landscape of the terminal walkway.
  • Provide a calming effect for travelers, offering a moment of intimate contemplation for those existing in security, while waiting for their next adventure to begin and those exiting the terminal.
  • Serve as a visual anchor, drawing attention to the exit while enriching the seating area below.
  • Contribute to a cohesive aesthetic experience by incorporating sculptural elements that complement the architecture.

Art Location Rendering:

The following image shows the location of the artwork. Site conditions and image are subject to change. Parkette - No Flowers 2 View from post-security, where passengers are awaiting their flights. The art opportunity location is highlighted in orange; this outline is conceptual, representing an approximate footprint that will be refined during the design process.

Preliminary Considerations:

  • Artwork Area: Estimated dimensions of 31' X 14' X 5'-6' H (Dimensions are subject to change)
  • Artwork Type: Suspended sculpture anchored to the ceiling or artwork integrated directly into the ceiling architecture.
  • Design Considerations: Detailed design considerations will be provided to shortlisted artists in Stage Two: Artwork Concept Proposals. Key considerations include:
    • Consider maintaining views to exit and baggage claim.
    • Passengers should not be able to touch or reach the artwork.
    • Artwork must be durable.
    • Materials must be resilient against dust accumulation, and be easy to clean and maintain.
    • Artwork must not compromise the security of the airport.

Recommended Qualifications:

The following are the minimum requirements that applicants must meet in order to be considered for the public art opportunity.

  • Experience: Artists will most likely be considered mid-career and above. Meaning, the artist, or artist team, must have developed a consistent body of work and defining style, and has gained recognition. Artists may have a range of professional achievements (e.g., solo and group exhibitions, honors/awards, grants, etc.). While not strictly tied to years of experience, mid-career artists typically have 5–9 years of experience.
  • Number of similar past projects: The artist or artist team should have at least one project of similar budget, scale, complexity, and/or application.
  • Experience with large-scale sculptures: The artist or artist team will have proven experience working with sculptural or 3D artworks.
  • Experience in public art: While experience in public art is not required, preference will be given to artists or artist teams with experience working within the technical and logistical constraints of public artworks.
  • Artistic Recognition: The artist or artist team must have recognition within the arts community (either locally, nationally, or internationally). This can include being a recipient of awards, grants, or have participated in solo or group exhibitions.

Artwork Budget: Approximately $330,000 - $430,000

The budget is inclusive of artist fee and fabrication. An additional budget, managed by DFW in coordination with the selected artist/artist team, will cover site preparation, design engineering, shipping and duties, artwork insurance, contingency, installation, and maintenance. Successful artists will be required to have a minimum of $1 million USD in general liability insurance coverage during the design development, fabrication, and installation phases.

Applicants selected to develop a concept proposal will be required to submit a detailed breakdown of the artwork budget, along with details on anticipated fabrication and production needs, approach, and potential suppliers or subcontractors.

Artwork Themes:

The following artistic themes are intended to inspire artists and provide initial direction, fostering a cohesive thematic unity across DFW artworks.

  • Connected Journeys: his theme emphasizes the concept of connectivity, both within the unique cultural blend of Dallas and Fort Worth and the airport's role as a gateway to the world. Artworks may highlight the connection between these two distinct cities, their global reach, and the rich aviation history that ties them together. Symbolizing DFW as a nexus of travel and cultural exchange, artists are encouraged to explore ideas of movement, connection, and openness to diverse cultures, while also reflecting on the legacy of aviation that has made DFW a critical hub for international and domestic journeys.
  • Legacy & Innovation: North Texas boasts a rich heritage rooted in beloved Western traditions, yet the same entrepreneurial spirit that fueled the oil and transportation industries now leads to a growing hub of innovation, earning the nickname "Silicon Prairie." Artworks can reflect this dynamic duality by celebrating the region's historical roots while embracing its forward-looking spirit. Pieces may highlight DFW's evolution as the fourth-largest metro area in the country, showcasing its blend of tradition and technological advancement.
  • Cultural Tapestry: Reflecting the diverse communities of the Dallas Fort Worth region, this theme highlights the rich and dynamic mosaic of cultures, histories, and identities in North Texas. Artworks may celebrate the region’s multiculturalism, showcasing the significant contributions and traditions of African American, Hispanic, Asian, Indigenous, and other communities. They can also honor the area’s evolving history and heritage, from Indigenous roots to the present day. Additionally, the vibrant sports culture may be captured, reflecting the spirit of teamwork, perseverance, and pride that unite people across the region. These pieces can foster unity and mutual respect, illustrating the inclusive and vibrant cultural landscape that defines DFW.
  • Landscape Tales: This theme invites artists to explore and depict the unique geographical and natural allure of North Texas. Artworks can convey a deep sense of place, connecting travelers to the diverse landscapes that shape the region. From the sweeping prairies and the Trinity River to the distinctive climate, flora, and fauna, these artworks may celebrate the natural beauty and environmental richness that characterize DFW.

While these themes provide a framework, other themes can be explored as long as they align with the overarching vision and reflect the cultural, historical, social/political, and environmental identities of the Dallas Fort Worth region and the airport’s identity.

Section Process: Three-Stage Artist Call

Stage One: Expression of Interest & Qualifications

Share the following materials through this form. All items must be received for the application to be considered.

  • Artistic Statement and Biography (500-word limit)
  • Resume or CV (2-page limit per team member) – Include current professional experience, past public art experience, and other information relevant to the call. Each CV must include the artist's name, address, email, webpage, and phone number on the first page.
  • Portfolio – Include 3-6 past projects with images. For each project, include the title, medium, dimensions, project budget, year completed, location, and a short description. Values must be provided in USD.
  • Letter of Interest (500-word limit) – Describe the artist or team’s interest in this opportunity, relevant experience, plan to meet the project’s goals, and preliminary approach.
  • References – Provide the name, email address, and phone number of two professional or educational references.

Stage Two: Artwork Concept Proposals

The Airport Art Advisory Committee, consisting of eight art experts from Dallas and Fort Worth, will review applications and make recommendations to DFW Airport of up to five (5) applicants per opportunity to develop an artwork concept proposal between February and March 2025. In February, shortlisted applicants, upon entering into an agreement with DFW Airport to prepare a Preliminary Concept, will receive a detailed design brief and participate in briefing meetings to guide the development of their Artwork Concept Proposals, which will include the following elements:

  • Preliminary Concept – A description of the artist/team’s preliminary approach and ideas for the project, including artwork statement, color palette, material and equipment specifications, fabrication process, maintenance and durability considerations, and a financial estimate (template to be provided). Concept development must align with the technical requirements outlined in the design brief provided to shortlisted artists. Note: During concept development, shortlisted artists may meet with technical team members, including engineers and architects, to ensure compatibility with the surrounding environment and structure.
  • Three (3) Renderings – Provide three concept images (3D renders, mockups) of the artwork proposal, clearly defining its dimensions, form, volume, structure, materials, and colors.

Shortlisted artists or artist teams who submit a complete concept package containing the above information will be provided with a fee of $3,500 USD.

Stage Three: Artist Selection for Final Design and Commissioning

After review of the Shortlisted artist’s submission of Concept Proposals, one Concept Proposal will be awarded for final design and commissioning of the proposed artwork.

Key Dates:

A detailed schedule will be provided to successful candidates. The following dates are subject to change.

  • December 2, 2024 – January 13, 2025: Stage 1: Expression of Interest & Qualifications application acceptance period
  • February 2025 – March 2025: Stage 2: Artist shortlisting and preliminary concept development
  • May 2025 – June 2025: Stage 3: Winning Artist selection and contracting June 2025 – September 2025: Design development (Schematic, Detailed, and Final Design)
  • September 2025: Design development (Schematic, Detailed, and Final Design)
  • December 2025 – July 2026: Fabrication
  • September 2026: Estimated installation

Terms and Conditions:

The artists retain all moral rights that they have or may have in the artworks created for the Project. The artist understands that the artwork will be part of the Client’s collection and could be associated with its activities. The artist therefore does not consider the following acts to constitute a violation of the artist’s moral rights:

  • Allowing the client to change the presentation and placement of the artwork over time or choose not to exhibit the artwork;
  • Engaging in maintenance and the conservation or restoration of the artwork;
  • Lending the artwork;
  • Selling or donating the artwork;
  • Deaccessioning or removal or disposal of the artwork from the collection;
  • The artist will also grant the client and an irrevocable right to make video recordings and/or take photographs of the artwork for the purposes of creating marketing and promotional material or small scale reproduction.

Apply for Call A2: Ceiling Integration or Suspended Artwork, Terminal C South Parkette

Please click the link below to apply for Call A2. We appreciate the time and professional interest of all applicants in this call.

Apply now

Dallas Fort Worth International Airport is committed to equity and equal opportunity in all aspects of its work and actively welcomes proposals from all interested parties. For any assistance with the application process, please email

Applicants with questions are encouraged to review the Frequently Asked Questions or email

Questions will be accepted during two feedback rounds:

  • Round 1: Submit questions by December 9, 2024.
  • Round 2: Submit follow-up questions by December 16, 2024.

Answers will be posted within 3–5 business days after the close of each round on the “Apply: Call for Artists” page.

Frequently Asked Questions

DFW Airport's new vision aspires to embark travelers on an artful voyage that reveals both the identity and rich culture of Dallas Fort Worth.

Each artwork at DFW Airport serves as a refreshing and inspiring layover for the soul, enriching the traveler's journey with both global and local perspectives on the region.

Artworks should connect to at least one of the following themes. If an alternative theme is explored, it should clearly align with DFW’s public art vision and reflect the cultural, historical, social/political, and environmental identities of the Dallas Fort Worth region and the airport’s identity.

  • Connected Journeys: This theme emphasizes the concept of connectivity, both within the unique cultural blend of Dallas and Fort Worth and the airport's role as a gateway to the world. Artworks may highlight the connection between these two distinct cities, their global reach, and the rich aviation history that ties them together. Symbolizing DFW Airport as a nexus of travel and cultural exchange, artists are encouraged to explore ideas of movement, connection, and openness to diverse cultures, while also reflecting on the legacy of aviation that has made DFW a critical hub for international and domestic journeys.
  • Legacy & Innovation: North Texas boasts a rich heritage rooted in beloved Western traditions, yet the same entrepreneurial spirit that fueled the oil and transportation industries now leads to a growing hub of innovation, earning the nickname "Silicon Prairie." Artworks can reflect this dynamic duality by celebrating the region's historical roots while embracing its forward-looking spirit. Pieces may highlight DFW's evolution as the fourth-largest metro area in the country, showcasing its blend of tradition and technological advancement.
  • Cultural Tapestry: Reflecting the diverse communities of the Dallas Fort Worth region, this theme highlights the rich and dynamic mosaic of cultures, histories, and identities in North Texas. Artworks may celebrate the region’s multiculturalism, showcasing the significant contributions and traditions of African American, Hispanic, Asian, Indigenous, and other communities. They can also honor the area’s evolving history and heritage, from Indigenous roots to the present day. Additionally, the vibrant sports culture may be captured, reflecting the spirit of teamwork, perseverance, and pride that unite people across the region. These pieces can foster unity and mutual respect, illustrating the inclusive and vibrant cultural landscape that defines DFW.
  • Landscape Tales: This theme invites artists to explore and depict the unique geographical and natural allure of North Texas. Artworks can convey a deep sense of place, connecting travelers to the diverse landscapes that shape the region. From the sweeping prairies and the Trinity River to the distinctive climate, flora, and fauna, these artworks may celebrate the natural beauty and environmental richness that characterize DFW.

An artist’s skill, experience, and achievements often indicate where they are in their career. These factors help determine the types of projects an artist may be best suited for, especially where specific technical considerations are needed.

  • Emerging Artists – Artists who are entering or in the early stages of their art career in one or more art practices. The artist is in the initial phases of building recognition. These artists may be recognized locally or regionally. While not strictly defined by years, emerging artists generally have 0–3 years of professional experience.
  • Mid-Career –Artists who have established a consistent body of work and a defining style, with recognition at regional and national levels. They may have a range of professional achievements, including solo and group exhibitions and honors or awards. While not strictly tied to years of experience, mid-career artists typically have around 5–8 years of professional experience.
  • Established Artists – Artists who have an extensive body of work and consistently garner national or international recognition. They are acknowledged not only for their individual artworks but also for their broader contributions to their discipline. These artists have a significant professional history, including high-profile exhibitions, awards, and public art commissions.

Yes, artists are encouraged to apply to future calls even if they are not selected in previous ones.

An artist team consists of two or more artists who collaborate on a project.

September 2026 is the estimated installation date for Call A artworks. This is subject to change.

All applications will be reviewed against a point-system to assess the completeness and excellence of the following sections: Artist Statement / Bio, Artist CV, Letter of Interest, and Existing Work.

Yes, all applicants will receive notification regarding the status of their application once the selection process is finalized.

Due to the high volume of applications, individual feedback will not be provided at this time.

Experience in public art' refers to an artist's history of creating works specifically for public spaces. This includes knowledge of working with durable materials, understanding site-specific considerations, such as how the public interacts with artwork, and experience in collaborating with technical teams.

MASSIVart will support all shortlisted and selected artists throughout the design development process, arranging meetings with technical advisors as needed. Additional tailored support can be made available, including assistance with fabrication and installation, ensuring that all artwork meets the highest quality standards and complies with airport requirements.


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