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Skylink Maintenance FAQs

DFW Airport will be coordinating system updates and maintenance to Skylink over the upcoming months. Currently, this will require Skylink to be out of service between 11 p.m. and 4:30 a.m. each Tuesday and Wednesday night in April. While the Skylink system is undergoing maintenance, customers and employees are encouraged to walk between terminals or use our Terminal Link shuttles, which are available every 20-25 minutes curbside.

What do I do when Skylink is down?

DFW Airport has other options to navigate between terminals (see map to the right)

  • Customers can walk between Terminals C & A, Terminals A & B, and Terminals B & D
    • For customers in Terminal E, there will be a shuttle available to transport them to Terminal D from Gate E33
  • Customers can also take the Terminal Link shuttles which are outside security and available every 20-25 minutes curbside

For additional questions, call +1-972-973-3112

Skylink map

What is Skylink?

  • Skylink first went into service May 21, 2005
  • DFW’s Skylink is the largest automated people mover (APM) guideway of its kind in the world
    • Skylink is elevated an average of 50 feet above ground and consists of 375 support columns to support the guideway
  • Skylink is made up of 32 center-guided vehicles
    • A 64 car fleet in married pairs
  • Each Skylink vehicle weighs 30,000 lbs empty and about 45,840 lbs with a full passenger load
  • Each loop is 5 miles in length
    • One inner loop and one outer loop equaling 52,800 single-lane feet of mainline guideway
    • Trains can be switched between inner and outer loops
    • Trains also can run in both directions
  • Skylink can reach up to 37mph
  • Skylink can hold up to 75 people per car
  • Skylink can move 5,000 people per direction per hour at peak capacity
  • Skylink has lightening protection poles on the mainline guideway
  • Vehicle propulsion runs off of 750 volts DC


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